It’s Pension Awareness Week – how can you refresh your savings habits?
This week is Pension Awareness Week and it's the perfect moment to remind savers of more
As you approach retirement age, there are many things you should consider. The most sensible place to start is by reviewing your finances to ensure that you can continue to live a happy and comfortable lifestyle after you retire. In this article, we look at the ways in which you can plan and save for a comfortable retirement.
If you are getting close to retirement age and are worried about the amount of income you may have when you retire, it is a good idea to look at ways in which you can boost your income now.
Planning to clear your debts is an important part of planning for your retirement. If you are struggling with debts then there are several places you can get free advice and support including:
A trained debt advisor will be able to help you set a budget and pay back debts in an organised and manageable way.
If you are debt free and your pension provider allows it and you can afford it, it may be worth making overpayments to your pension pot. This will allow you to increase your overall amount to retire on.
Delaying the date on which you draw your pension will allow you to pay more into it and potentially give it more time to grow. If you are considering this option, it is important that you take advice from your pension provider.
For some people, this is a viable option. You are legally entitled to keep working past your retirement age, which would mean that you can both claim your State Pension and continue earning for as long as you feel able to.
Managing your money is an important part of planning for retirement. Once you have an idea of what your income will be, it is important to sit down and create a realistic budget.
Doing so in advance of retirement age, will enable you to work out whether you have enough income for a comfortable lifestyle and give you a much greater feeling of control over your finances.
Once you have completed all of the above steps, it may be worth speaking with a financial adviser to give you greater peace of mind and to confirm you are planning for retirement in the best way.