Part time jobs for older workers

As we get older, we often start seeking more flexibility at work, perhaps considering working part time. In this article we explore how older people in the UK are seeking part time roles, the types of jobs available for mature workers and how to find them.

Senior business woman working part time on a laptop in bright modern office interior


The number of older people in part time employment is on the rise, and there are many reasons behind this trend. For some, it’s about moving from full time work to a part time job to make way for other responsibilities. It could be that you need to care for a relative or grandchild, have a volunteer role, or that you can now afford to devote some time to your interests or hobbies.

With the retirement age continuing to rise, many of us will be working well into our sixties and beyond.  But you may have lower financial demands that make part-time work more feasible: perhaps the mortgage is paid, the children have left home and you’d like to achieve a better work-life balance. On the flip side, you might need to supplement your pension with some additional earnings.

Is it easy to find part time jobs for older workers in the UK?

It’s increasingly accepted that companies that have the most diverse workforces are the most productive, so many employers are becoming very positive about appointing older people. Some actively state that they have part time jobs for older workers.

Employers are also increasingly embracing part time work, as studies suggest that people that have a good work-life balance have better wellbeing and are happier in their work – which again can make them more productive and good relationship builders.

How can I find part time jobs for older workers?

There are more part time jobs today than ever. A quick look at the jobs page should show you a wide range of part time roles, some of which will including working at home.

Most jobs boards will let you filter roles where you’ll be working part time. So it should be fairly easy to find a role that will interest you.

What kind of part time jobs suit older workers?

There are part time roles available in all kinds of jobs today, from retail and healthcare to finance and technology, sales and admin support to public sector work. It’s illegal for companies to discriminate against any job applicant based on age, ethnicity or other personal characteristics, so if you have the right skills and aptitude, there’s no reason why you won’t be considered.

There may be some jobs that won’t suit you, of course, but they might be right for another person your age. Much will depend on your physical fitness, your personal preferences and your individual strengths.

Are there jobs for older people with no experience?

It’s unlikely that you’ve reached your current age without gaining any experience that’s relevant to the workplace. Even if you haven’t worked for a number of years, you will have skills and knowledge that will be useful to a role.

Caring and support work is well suited to older people, as are many jobs in retail. There are also many home-based jobs you could consider, such as fostering, pet sitting, hosting overseas students, admin, telephone sales or customer service.

You may be surprised at the range of jobs open to you as an older worker. The best way to start is with a search online – it’s your first step to a new part-time career.

Comments [1]

  • Jennifer Ulysses says:

    I am finding that getting a job at the age of 60’s is hard and trying to remember, dates when filling up a Form for a job made me feel worthless.l
    I worked from the age of eight years old, person from a Company said they was going to call me and then they didn’t call me.
    I was so happy l told my Son “that I got a job” he was happy for me, but I realised they was just call me and not giving me more details about the job and not saying when I can start the job and making a fool of me.

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