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The new pilot will see claimants risk benefits sanctions if they don’t take part in an intensive work search after 13 weeks on Universal Credit.
The Government has launched a new pilot of intensive Job Centre sessions for people who have been on Universal Credit for 13 weeks.
Under the pilot, it will be compulsory for claimants to visit a job centre every day for two weeks for “intensive support”. Those who fail to attend could risk benefits sanctions. To incentivise Job Centre staff, a league table will be created and staff at the centres which get the most people back to work will be given £250 bonuses on a monthly basis. Those at the next highest performing centre will get £125 each.
Sixty Job Centres are taking part in the pilot across Central Scotland, Surrey & Sussex, West Yorkshire, Leicestershire and Northamptonshire. The Government says 13 weeks is a critical point at which a claimant’s prospects of moving back to work deteriorate sharply.
Those claimants not included in the pilot include those awaiting a work capability assessment; those required to undertake less than 20 hours a week of work search activity and those who are self-employed.